this post will be a little tribute to...

- mom who always repeats things 5 times because she is sad i'm going, and who i love so much and i apologize to for being such a useless child :)
- to dad who, as i am writing, is working outside scrubbing the porch for the next big gathering in our house. that is really who he is. he never stops, probably never will. and he is always there for me and anyone.
- to my future indian neighbor jalan who is already setting things up for me in beijing ;) now also we will be able to show off like the other two sisters who meet up every 3 months!
- to sharim who is always on the phone with my parents. now that i know i hope in receiving at least one call per week!
- to amy who always supports my ideas and is my little sister who i fight with!
- to naysan who is the creator of two monsters and is always an inspiration for me (in the giggity gig field)
- to jalil who is not a doctor yet, but somehow has convinced my mom he is. i cant wait to see you and matisse in beijing with me :)
- to shamim who i love to beat at mario kart and pro evo, and who is also an inspiration in the giggity gup gap field
- to manijeh & vince who quietly do so much for all and have always been true family
- to shirin & Naim who are funny and keep me entertained with their awesome pictures on facebook
- to cinzia who is the goddess of the kitchens and is the most loving aunt
- to roshan (vacca) whose company has been one of the greatest gifts God has ever given me
- to nushin who is the londoner of the family now
- to nonna 'mannaggia li pescetti' mina che e' sempre li a passare perle di saggezza romano/napoletane
- to Rizi joon who is always there, like a soldier, smiling and living
- to hakim & shida who were hosting me while i was getting my visa, and who put a smile on my face (slurp joker)
- to andrea ugo :) who i miss and i want to spend more time with
- to giada who is more swiss than ever
- to paolo aka 'peo' who is always reliable, i would say an uncle for me, and a friend for all
- to ninetta who is here before i wake up
- to ale 'buba' che e' a corto di scuse!! dovrai venire in cina! mi mancherai vecchio!
- to carlo che e' un esempio per il ciclismo italiano anche se e' un po' malato...
- to ceccio che e' troppo malato e che non voglio in cina :)
- to pado che e' troppo genovese ;) e che quando trova la donna va in banca rotta
- to giacomo zanottinho che anche lui non c'e' mai :) ma fa sempre il bravo!
- to la 5 B che si e' persa qua e la
- to jamshid who no words can describe
- to ashkanio who will move to africa to serve humanity and will be shooting spoof videos like 'tension'
- to anis who is a shutto boy, and the champion of water slides!
- to sina who is not on facebook for some reason
- to zio nima who has class
- to zia marta who has patience with the class of zio nima
- to emma who is pure and really one of a kind
- to samir who is always running and working and will be a dad soon!
- to lucy who is more than what she thinks she is
- to verona and its people
- to the baha'i youth of italy who are always in my heart
- to the baha'is of london who served with me
- to puianello che e' sempre bello and just called me to say bye:)
- to cello who is lost somewhere and needs to be in touch and make me laugh as usual
- to alex who i think got a job and will now do nothing somewhere that is not home... i always read your movie reviews man
- to all the london football crew who i know gathered again and missed my talent :)
- to the oval boys, daniele, ricky, mehdi, ayo, wrigley and all who touched that blessed house i love you
- to my university friends
- to my devotional group in london
- to my ruhi groups in london and italy
- to my service friends in haifa
- to my ecuadorian friends in .... ecuador :)
- to all the ones who i met, maybe for one moment, maybe for one second, and to those i always knew, to those that by mistake i forgot and that in the next posts i shall remember
for all of the above
please dont forget me because i will not.
love is a big word, and i think you deserve it all
oh, ma non stai mica morendo, eh? mi fai piangere!
i love you - GOOD LUCK!!!!
With you forever n ever! Every step of the way! Only love for you! Peace, pharan
Good luck in China! We will all come visit you...
oi, shutto! ma ti sembra il caso di far piangere le sorelle cosi? and so your real life begins. i am so excited and KNOW that you will shine as usual! we all adore you. jalan-ji
.....hey, last time I checked phones work both ways :) I am so excited for you! it will be such a fantastic experience....can't wait to hear about it all! take care and keep us posted!
love you lots, but you know that.
love you so and know this will be a fantastic expereince! Please send your phone number! Ups and downs are the stuff of life! we are all waiting for an update!! Keep us posted! Much love, lmy
Ciao tesoro, in bocca al lupo per la tua avventura cinese e grazie ancora per Reggio. Mi raccomando di rimanere sempre come sei, altrimenti ti preparo una serie di cineforum con film molto movimentati come piacciono a me. Un abbraccio Elena
Santa Maria!!!! you would think you are dying & going to heaven!!! don't make it sound that we won't see you for a thousand years, we expect that when we come to India you will meet us there! :o) na'im & i are sooo excited for this new phase in your life, so please please put up photos!
so much love to you shido!
=) just a smile...perchè è il regalo più bello che puoi fare ad una persona. Un abbraccio Shidy, Lucy
Can't believe I didn't make your "miss" list. I'm crushed! Thought I'd be somewhere between your mom and your dad.
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